Monday, January 28, 2002

Tonight Martin and I organize a little hmm playstation's Crash Team Racing... a kind of car race during which you can throw TNT, bombs etc against your partners (very funny, but less easy than it seems! hehe)... My plan (but don't tell anybody about it)is to come back earlier than Martin and ... train!! hehe... The fact is that I lose all the time at that game... I'm a bad driver in when I drive a car on the playstation, it's simply worse...and, fooook, it makes me angry that I can't tame the machine! ;-)
... I've made the bet that I'll win at least 2 games over about 10. If I lose, I gotta cook tonight, so please, wish me good luck and may the force be with me :P
(Damn, I feel a bit baaad, some run back at home to take care of the kids and I run back at home to play games!!! Playing games must be part of my destiny! Mwaaalalalaaaa)

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