Friday, February 08, 2002

My sister got operated last Tuesday... Everything went well, it lasted half an hour, then she was out :-))... She had to be operated because a cut she had on the head had not healed...
....Head surgery...huuu....She's been really tough, she went alone at the hospital (she did not want anyone to come with her, there was nothing to do about it)...She received 5 injections in the neck for a local anesthesia..(legs shivering here) she has a cut of about 4 cm on top of the head with stiches, and it seems to hurt a lot (fainting)...
Anyway, now it's done :-))
I just really regret that, in such cases, she does not ask for more help (and refuses when we offer)...
It is so frustrating when you wanna be *here*, when you wanna help someone and that the person refuses what he/she considers as "pity". That really makes me maaaaad! hehe rilly!

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