Monday, April 08, 2002

I almost feel *baaaad* for having slept that much yesterday! Well… almost :P
A couple of hours after I woke up, I went to lie on the bed to answer a phone call. While I was talking, Joe came to sleep on my belly, and as soon as the call was over, I naturally did like Joe : slept as I hadn’t done in ages (ages = a week)!
I say it’s the fault of Joe, creature of baaad influence ;-)

Since yesterday, I should be in my 12th week of pregnancy … 3 months! Already! Time is really running!
Physically I feel (ok, pretty tired) rather fine! There have been no change, no extra-mutation ;-). All the blood tests I did went well :-))))

Now I have to start to take care of different administrative stuff, like “booking” a place at school for the babe!! No, but can you believe it! If you wait that the babe is born, you already knowww, you will have to wait 2 extra years before your babe can be registered in a school! //oO\\
They say in the papers that since 2001 France is the european country in which there are the most births! Even more in comparison than for Ireland.. That’s a real change cause for years the births situation was not improving at all!
All that is very fine but, see, that makes schools over crowded ;-)

Anyway, I’d better find some books about all that, I know nothing of what has to be done, I just know there is much to do already!

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