Saturday, July 20, 2002

Ha welllllllll.... everything can't be just purrfect and the gyno was not happy with my belly this morning :(

It's strange cause I've really felt guuuuuuud in the last week and today even more!
But the buDerfly pushes again and again, provoking contractions, and she gotta be stopped a bit. I had not realized babies had already such a taste for freedom:)

The gyno sounded pretty serious and asked I hurry to the hopital if I feel anything unusual happens (I worry I might not "realize" when something serious happens though).
I have new medication to take, stronger one for women with risk of premature birth. I tell you I did not like at all that "premature" word on the paper.

Anyway, now I'm not about enjoying summer as I wished I could. I'm not even sure I can leave for any holidays.
I hope I can because it's so hot and I'm tired of looking at the walls of the flat without being allowed to go out (anymore).
...(will I tell it?...hmmm .. ok).. I wish it was full winter right now (wink@Penny), with snow and a temperature of -10°c outside!
Oh it would feel so well to be forced to stay under the covers (sigh)...

I hadn't expect pregnancy could be that tough and stressing (and I don't really complain here, it's just an obsevation:) ..I know other preggie goils who are having much worse probbies!!!)

Anyway, I really feel like a bird sitting on its egg now. What matters is this "egg" of mine, I gotta keep it warm and safe:)
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