Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Sooooo, I expected a bit what my gyno told me yesterday.

He first found I was in good form (and he was right, I was feeling really well). I've still the same weight as last month (which sounded as a miracle since my belly has now extreme proportions ;-).
Before he checked for the womb and everything, I told him he'd beDer confirmed the mermaid and I are really doing well (S)

But as soon as he started, an upset look appeared on his very serious face... He was repeating -as to himself- "no no...arggg...no no it's not good...no not good". And I was there, watching the ceiling, waiting for him to come back to me to give me explanations.
Oh nothing critical, but now it's sure that even if I hardly move, the buDerfly will go on pushing to go out.

He confirmed there is all the symptoms that the babe is a prematured one. Of course, I don't complain, I'm already at the end of my 6th months, there plenty of prematured babes everyday,etc.
But I don't think you can be peaceful when you know there is always a risk with a prematured babe. And I would hate that the buDerfly arrives too soon and be forced to stay at the hospital for a couple of months..

Anyway, I'm not expecting to be reassured, I know there's a risk whenever from now on.
The gyno asked I stay on bed now 24h/24, and I'm only allowed to get up for a shower, for the third scan (next week) and to come back to the clinic. Of course, he said I gotta rush to him whenever I feel something wrong (sigh).
Time looks very long now. But it's ok, as long as the mermaid keeps kewl :-)))

The gyno has also doubled my treatment to calm down contractions, every 2 hours I gotta take the drugs. I hope they will be efficient:)

Now I worry for Martin, he has to take care of everything, from his research of a job to the cleaning of the flat, etc. This afternoon (he has a week of holidays now), he'll go to try to find the basic equipment for the mermaid, just in case she arrives quickly. Not fun to do that alone :(((

Sooooo, the only thing I can do for him is cuddling him as much as possible and giving him lil massages whenever possible :-)))
Not that baaaad for the future Dad, huh ;-)**~~^^** * *~~* * ... but very frustrating for me not to be able to help him more!

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