Friday, December 06, 2002

Bubye Harry Potter....waaaaaa!.....waaaaaaa!
And no, no chance to watch it on monday after 8.30, so we won't's far too early :(((((

yes...bubye harry....snifff....snifffff....

but..... "Hello Yves Quintard" !!!
No idea about who's that Yves Quintard? Me neither actually (S)... except that it's the name of a French restaurant we wanted to try since 2 years now.
And we promised to go there once Lola would be here... An excellent reason to go to that posh restaurant, huh! :P
But posh or not, what has attracted us are the menus. You would not believe what's cooked there.
I can't remember exactly the name of the dishes, but I'll let you know so that you realize the orgasmic dimension of these menus (nossing!)

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