Sunday, February 02, 2003

Martin has just told me Christa and Achim (his parents) have decided to learn French! No kiddin!
Wawwww, I find that fantastic, Lola has the most wonderful oma und opa (hehe, yuss, I'm fluent :P )

Now I always feel baaaaad for not knowing more than 3 words in German. No, I don't feel bad actually, but it really bothers me to be unable to tame that wild language!
I think I'll learn "Lola's German" ... simple one :P

Talking of that, The German Ambassy has now all the papers to give Lola her German nationality. Soon she'll officially be Frawnch and German! The question of nationality is basically not that important for us... but we enjoy a lot the symbolic meaning of it, the mixture of the 2 cultures :))) **~~* *^^* * * *

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