Thursday, June 05, 2003

Emmanuelle and Arnaud have accepted to be the godmother and godfather for Lola :-))))
And they take it very seriously, that makes me verrrry happy!
I hope the baptism can happen in autumn, that bothers me a bit to attend the catholic preparation cessions, but for Lola, i'll make that lil effort :P

I asked myself thousands times what all that meant to me. Was baptism that important? Yes and no. No because you can live without ;-) ... and yes because in a way or the other I wanna Lola to have the chance to enter some spiritual world. Hmm... it's very hard to explain. I just wanna open that door to her. Then she'll do as she wants, naturally**~~*^* * *^^* *

I just wanted to be sure we would not organize all that just because it's the tradition. Because it was what we wanted.

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