Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I'm going to add another definition to the meaning of nightmare.
Well, I knowwwww we've all heard about this. But this ermm... *problem* touches me particularly.

2 millions of little girls in 27 seven African countries are victims of excision and infubilation every year. 130 millions of women live with the terrible experience of female genital mutilation.
I'm sorry to use the words, but to know what we are talking about...

Excision means : removal of the clitoris with partial or total ablation of the labia minora.
Infibulation: excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening.

The goils are usually cut when they're 5 years-old. 5 years-old!!!!

Why? Is it because it's a particular tradition? can we accept that because it's a different culture?
Of course not!
Women are deprived from their right to get sexual pleasures. And worse than having no sexual pleasure, all these tortures lead to a life of sexual pain. And I don't even talk of the disease brought by such sick acts of surgery.

Infibulation is supposed to give more pleasure to the man for it's more narrow.

Gawd, how is this possible.

Usually these acts or surgery butchery are done by women who've been mutilated too in their time.
How can they stand reproducing the nightmare they experienced to other women? ... not even women... no, to children!

I think we should all be behind these African women who're starting to fight against these physical and psychological mutilations. I find such an "accepted" violence particularly unberable.

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