Saturday, September 13, 2003

Next week, Lola and I will try another "social structure" called *les maisons vertes* (the green houses).
It's a place where parents who keep their baby at home can go and meet other parents, talk whith "chidlhood professionals" and let their angels play around together.

It's not a place where you can leave your child for a few hours, you've to be there to take care of him or her.
It's for children between 0 and 3 years-old; it's also presented as a place which slowly makes a transition between life at home and life with others kids at school.
Another good point is that they're open between 2.00 to 7.00 pm, which gives Lola enough time for her nap :P
You can stay there 10 minutes or 5 hours, just as you want.
Oh, and it's free (s)

Anyway, you see... autumn then winter are coming. Days gonna be short and bloody cold. No more hours of walk or play on the grass.
I worried a bit thiking sometimes we'd be forced to stay at home all day!
This maison verte sounds like a great way to add some spices to Lola's weeks :-))))**~~*^* *

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