Tuesday, May 18, 2004

(dancing around)
And tonight, guess who comes for diner, hm?
King Esox! (who will have his own blog, some day.. I'm sure of that)

We have *royal* relationship, so we stick to the royal etiquette ya see :P

But before that sparkling diner, it's time to use Penny's advice.
(writing down all I gotta do...
-Taking Lola to the parc 2 times for at least 2 hours
-working on the final touches for my illustrations
-cleaning the flat (I just have to! grmmpphhh)
-starting to make the luggage for tomorrow
-finding the dinner, and making the dessert ;-)
-working on my painting site, for referencing)

Okies, now I have to make 2 lists with that.
Hmm hmmm
(boiling mind)

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