Tuesday, May 31, 2005

European attitude versus French-centered attitude

I'm still in that frustrated mood when it comes to politics. And even more when I start hearing here and there "I don't know really why I voted *no*, I'm not sure anymore it was the right thing to do". Arggg.

A few years ago, French people put the extremist le Pen very close to a presidential position. Now they vote against the European constitution, without caring at all about Europe, but only about their French priviledges.
When I see how they can vote, I worry a lil bit about what may happen next.

But but... we're still 46% who supported Europe, it's not just nothing. It won't help, but it gives lil hope.

And I gotta thanks Parisians and Bretons for making me smile despite this political chaos.

Yeahh, everybody uses to spit on Parisians (why so much hatred? ;-), but at least Parisians massively voted for the European constitution (yes at 66,45%!!! no at 33,55%)!
And same for Bretagne with a yes at 50,90% and a no at 49,10%.

Given that I spent my life between Bretagne and Paris, I feel quite in harmony with these inspired places! :-)))
(dancing around**~~*^* *)

Quais de Paris, by Paul Almasy

Brocéliande forest, Bretagne

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