Thursday, May 26, 2005

A new (wet) step toward independence

First step was walking, second step was talking (I'd rather say "screaming YES" or more usually "NOOOO"!), and now Lola's starting with a third step that will give her more independence (as much as for me actually ;-)... living without nappies!

The battle between Lola and nappies is not over though, I hope it won't take too much time!
I tried to force the situation a bit some weeks ago, just letting Lola go without nappies at all and telling her now she has to go to the toilets.
Oh what a mistake, it did not work at all!
Lola is not someone to who you can impose anything (sigh). So she got her nappies back.

And then, on last friday she decided she wanted to wear pants only. As a parent you'd better be prepared to that I tell you!

That means:
-I've to ask her about every 10 minutes if she wants to go to the toilets
-I've to be ready whenever she calls me, 2 seconds later and it's over... I'd rather say it's "all over" and then you've fun with your washing set
-when I take a bath, for instance, I must be ready to jump out of it with soap all over to run to the loos with a screaming Lola..otherwise... the washing set is required again
-I must be prepared for any kind of lil accidents: yesterday she did everything in her bath (I did not come in time), the other day she peed on her puzzles while playing... she just had not the time to realize it, etc etc
-I must be prepared for any *pee request* when we are out, in the streets, in the parc... and I tell you, THAT is not easy!
-I must nebber forget to bring with me 3 pants and trousers when we go out
-I must be diplomatic... not shout too much after her if she decides to pee on the carpet... but enough to make her understand it was not appropriate!

Huuuu... see what I mean?
"Pee hunter", a full time job!!!

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