Monday, June 06, 2005

One week later

(you might be fed up with politics, huh!
I don't want to be responsible for your overdose, so jump to the next post, huh :P)

One week, later and it's still the chaos, politically speaking.
The right wing has already been divided for years here, now it's the left wing. Another vote like this, and our extended gang of *extremist parties* will really make it. We'll be fully responsible for that.

The constitution has been rejected. And I still wonder... what do people voting "no" to this constitution propose now?
I hear nothing about that.
How can anything new be proposed anyway since they all voted "no" for hundreds of different reasons.

What a pity, really, what a waste of time (and probably much more).

It's time we start to look a bit beyond our frontiers, that we accept to make efforts to work with our neighbours (big thought for Germany here and for the countries that have fought for Europe, lately).

All in all, Chirac with this referendum gave the opportunity to people to chose with their votes. Brilliant! How democratic :)
People voting "no" should bless him for that.

But Chirac made also such a mistake with this referendum. *We* were not ready to read it, we were not ready to vote for what it really meant but for zillions of other reasons.
And I think it's been a mistake because now we get the "no" to it, the situation's blocked.
Nothing follows. At least if there had been a counter-proposal from the "no" side.

As a Europe's supporter, I applaud Switzerland today for their result!

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