Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy happy 4th!

America's celebrating its birthday today, and I join my glass of champomi to their glass of (what do American drink on party time?) exotic beverage!

America's an easy target for us arrogant French (as we are for them I think ;-), just because we look at life differently probably. Stoopid, no?

Well, I will still spit in the bucket when it comes to death penalty there, international politics, the NRA, their rather extreme nationalism and lots of other topics that make me tremble in my boots.
And why do we talk and criticize that much America when it comes to these fields? Not because of some kind of stoopid hatred I think, rather because America's a kind of leader, whether we want it or not, and as a leader, as a "leading democracy", we expect a lot from them.
We love them to promote freedom, of course, but not with the guns.
That's about it on my side.

Culturally speaking, I gotta say I'm almost in love with America. Its writers, its poets, its independent cinema, its music. Only a beauDiful country could give birth to so many talented souls!

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