Friday, May 26, 2006


Claustrophobia: an anxiety disorder that involves the fear of enclosed or confined spaces

...zactly what I've been suffering since our DSL line broke! I type this from Bretagne, our connexion in Paris is broken and under repair.

My world suddenly seems very small and I'm typing feet waiting to get *connected* again.
I'm not dependent really (lol, neee of course), but I'll feel ok again when my ol' Gully works again.

Apart from that, we're doing great! I've celebrated last week my 32nd birthday, Loup makes his night now (after 7 months! yeeepeee.......), Lola is organising a mama's day for Sunday and Martin tries to keep me zen while being over busy!

Oh, and my new blog's design is ready!!!! weeeehooooooooooooo!!!!
but, patience is required here...


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