Sunday, June 04, 2006

Lil news from Busyland

I have about a zillions bloggies in my mind to post, but I'm really RILLY missing the time! Shiteroo!

I have even more zillions blogs to visit, but I'm really RILLY "you know what".

I just have the time to tell you I'm over busy, that Loup is having a third otitis and finds it kewl to wake up at precisely 5.45 am since last monday (eeeeck), that Lola is testing at the moment how far she can go with our patience (no luck, I have 0 patience since... last monday ;-), that we're over happy to spend some time in a couple of weeks with Tammo and his lil family (in Bretagne), that I'm also very excited to gather with friends and family for Loup's baptism in a few days... and that my cheecks are burning because we've had sun today. SUN! You know? This big yellow flashing ball!


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