Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Blog, blog me do, you know I blog you!


As Martin and I have way to much time to waste ;-), we both are working on new bloggies!

Martin's changing completly his blog, he has suddenly been very inspired to make the blog he's always wanted to make. Free of daily boring lil news (which is NOT boring on some bloggies, I ermm INSIST :P).
Something very Martin-ish (cheers!)

And as already mentioned, I'm working on an artblog, blogart or bloggallery, as you want. Not easy to make, but I'd say with the help of Martin I've done 70% of it. Well this blog for ewws all might not be really exciting, but I swear (I do not *promise*, I only *swear*) it will be nice enough, and a big change from the old gallery that will be sent into the Paradise of websites soon. Oh and there will be a few paintings you've never seen.. never ever! how about that, hm?! Teasing enough?hehe :P

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