Thursday, August 24, 2006

Holidays à la Candy ...

..require much energy

-first holidays with two kids (ha yup, last year I was *just* pregnant), and I can see the difference..:)
With one kid, you're pretty busy, with 2 kids you have to pray every morning to get 30 quiet minutes!!!

-Not that I'm complaining, but when your kids go to bed at 10.00pm minimum and both awake during the night to finally get up at 6.00 (Loup), you need to start your holy day with 3 good mugs of strong cawffee.
(and when I think Martin's parents were here to help us, I worry very much for the next months taking care of the kids alone from morning to evening. How other parents do, I wonder!!!)

-Martin and I managed to work in the hobbit house (details to come later) between 4 and 6 hours everyday! We're very happy with the results and if things go as we plan, we believe the main big works will be done by 2009. Electricity and plumbery to follow in 2007. First we've to read books to learn how to do it! lol

..teach you a lot

-a little toe is not much when a huge rolling stone comes over it (ouch!), a pneumatic drill can take power over you and DAT's scary, nails are bloody painful when you walk on them (double ouch), wood is fooking heavy (the award goes to old oak beams here), mineral coal's incredibly heavy too, wood dust is much worse than stone dust, and varnishing stairs is about the worst job I've ever done!
(wanna join and help next time? :P)

-I had no time to read anything really but I could make use of some wunnnerful old university books to improve my English (vocabulary). I kept visited too, neurones have to work in every way possible :P

-omas and opas are reaaaaaaally helpful!

..but are relaxing and festive too (phewww!)

-we could open a restaurant, we all cooked as to make the perfect meal everyday and I'd give 4 stars to all of us :P

-despite a pretty stormy weather, we jumped in the river pretty often (a bit less in the sea actually, too much cold wind)

-Martin and I are really good at fishing velvet swimming crabs (lovely expression that means "étrilles" in Frawnch)! Yummm again!

-Loup loves bagpipe, the neighbours too (thank Gawd since we played outside till midnight sometimes!)

-nothing, NOTHING can be compared with a lazy nap under the roof in the middle of afternoon (that happened... once)


Now I just wonder what it feels again to simply be a tourist on holidays, with a cam around the neck and a few euros to spend in th next pub! lol

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