Sunday, August 27, 2006

Summer-ish postcards

And here are the holiday photos. Soon when I have time (...), I'll activate my account on flickr I think.
It's just that...

I NEED TIME (if someone above can hear and help me.. thank you!)


Anyway, Loup is now 10 months-old and I believe he won't be a calm angel!
He does not walk yet but has no problem trying to turn the gaz switches in the kitchen, or to kick in empty glass bottles, or to eat carton, or to put his fingers in sockets! Oh and since he has teeth now (6 teef), he can pretend to kiss you gently... but after a second you feel a terrible bite in your skin! The *devil kiss*, his speciality!!!

click here

As for Lola, she's changed a lot lately. More concentrated on what she's doing, she can read or draw for hours!
During the holidays, she has started with her first "horse riding course". As she was the youngest (3 years 1/2), we decided to stay a bit to see how it happens. And it was hard! She fell from her poney, had so much troubles knwong what it meant to go to the left or to the right... but she did it!
I think she was a bit too young to start but as she really wanted it.. Now I'm proud again of the shrimpette :-)

click here

And the last postcard, one of the oldies who were there in Bretagne :P

click here

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