Thursday, September 14, 2006


(thank you, Penny, for inspiring me again!)

Five things you'll never hear me say:
1. I'm thinking about having a third baby!
2. No thank you, I don't drink alcohol
3. I've burnt my vote card, I don't believe anymore
4. Merry Xmas, I knew you'd love white socks!
5. I love country music and reggae!

Five things that scare the bejeebers outta me:
1. Swimming when you're far from the coast
2. When I see my babes bleeding for any reason
3. Being bloked in a room with a pigeon (or any kind of bird)
4. Driving
5. Not being around when my babies need me

Five things I like about myself:
1. I can easily make people feel comfortable, I think
2. I'm very receptive to details and *signals*
3. I can make my lil family happy
4. I still believe I can live from my art one day
5. I have dreams and I want to make them happen

Five areas I know I can do better:
1. Cooking (frozen pizzas and quiches everyday at the moment!)
2. Being less stressed
3. Driving as if I was born with a wheel in the hand
4. Resisting yummy cakes
5. Accepting that i can be wrong and that I can lose at games

Five things I've learnt from being a Mother:
1. You can sleep 5 or 6 hours per night and still be alive
2. Travelling takes more time and requires to be a bit more organized
3. I'm like a shelter now, our babes count on two people, Martin and I
4. I cannot swear as much as I want
5. Life was not complete -for me- without my babes

Five words that sum me up:
Caring, curious, faithful, naive, optimistic

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