Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mary Poppins wears trousers and has a loud voice

... I know it, because I've met THE purrrfect one this morning.

We (parents) had a meeting with the teachers, at Lola's school today.
The opportunity for the teachers to talk of what they plan to do, and how, during the year.

Lola has a *he* as a teacher, a "Mr Poppins". No, much better because he does not sing the way she did (phewwwwwwww!), and ok, he looks much beDer too, not wearing any umbrella night and day!

I was very excited to go there, because I remember so well how it was to be a pupil at school, that being now a "parent" is really funny and enjoyable!

After almost 2 hours of Mr Poppins talking, I got convinced Lola had the best teacher I could imagine!
His approach sounds perfect.
He's the kind to invent stories to explain why there's a lil ball on top of the i letter. The kind who explains letters must be treated like friends, you can make gifts to them, they will love it. And the letters will make gifts to you too.
etc etc

Oh, I want to go back to school and learn everything again! (with a Mr Poppins, naturally!)

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