Thursday, September 28, 2006

The song in your head

I think we all have different approaches when it comes to discover new pieces of music.

I've discovered lil jewls while working on my puter, just letting my "yahoo music radio" (which is way beDer than 95% of the webradios) run. Wunnerful selection that really stick to your tastes.

Otherwise, I never listen to the radio, it's just not one of my habits.
I never buy music magazines (or at least I stopped when I was still young and innocent), and the only criticism in which I have blind confidence... is the *music page* from Voici, a French people's magazine. lol, I'm not even kidding , they really influence my musical exploration!

I enjoy checking what's new in specialized shops, but usually never trust the top 20 or anything like that. People like crap... as many are right to think I enjoy crap too by the way! :P

And advertisment does not work at all here. If I see 400 posters of Johnny Hallyday's new album in the metro, be sure I'll still never ever buy anything from him!

I also read a lot people's comments online about new albums. But it's not easy to get an idea, fans can tell amything about their beloved bands.

And I don't listen much to my friends' advice (2 exceptions, here, Penny and Esox), in the same way, I don't recommand really anything, music tastes are so personnal.

Anyway, to sum up, my exploration in the musical field is linked to a mainstream radio and a people's mag!
But I swear my tastes are not THAT bad!

What about you? Do you enjoying discovering new stuff? Or do you prefer sticking at your favorite albums?
How do you "explore" music ?

Just *breathe* deeply and tell me :)

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