Monday, November 06, 2006

Audio, video, disco * ... drinko, rigolo, frisco novembrum!

Oh yess, the holidays were wunnnnerful!
Imagine that: I could read a 800 pages book in 2 days (and that never EVER happens to a young mama you know!)

But we had our fav' beers too, in our fav' pubs, spent (not enough) time with our most fav' friends and relatives (argg Tanja, Oli, we've missed each other there!)

More details, and photos, to come soon, i swear it!

As for the title of the bloggie, I dreamt in Latin while in Hamburg. A whole long dream during which I spoke fluent latin! Topus classus maximus!
(if anyone has a useful meaning for such dream, I'm not far, huh :P)

* I hear, I see, I learn

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