Friday, November 17, 2006

an IQ Test before putting your neurones on weekend :P

Among all the quizzes I do, I think playing at IQ tests is the most stoopid idea I can get (how ironic huhu)

I can't say the IQ tests are stupid, no, it's just that... what will it bring me at the end of the day?
A confirmation that I'm a genius or that obviously the results are wrong, 'cause I just can't be *below "average"*. Who can, anyway?!
("average", dunno why, but I hate that word!)

In other words... Will I survive the results? Will you survive them? hehe

okies then, your turn to play, it's here and it won't take more than a couple of minutes!

PS: to be a genius, you must reach a score of 160! Sounds easy :P

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