Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Am I slow with the euro or...?

We've started to use the euro I don't remember when exactly... back in 2001, 2002???
Well, long enough to get used to it.

Yet, I still find it very hard to be aware of the value of it.
100 francs meant a lot, 20 euros...pffff... really not that much.

That might explains why I get problems with my account so quickly every month..

And honestly...
.. If I could use francs again just in the very next minute, I would vote for it. Blindly.
That would makes life much easier to me (besides, I bet the bakers would stop selling their pain-au-chocolat at 1 euro! More than 6 francs.... hellooooooooo guys?!! You lost your head or what?!)

but then, maybe I'm simply really slow with the euro... hahum ...

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