Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rendez-vous at Captain Kirk's decadent quarters

Inspired once more by Mahie's ideas, here's another "tell me everything about" lil game.

This time, let's focus on series. Tell me what series you watch, I'll tell you who you are ;-)
I'm sure you'll get inspired too by the topic :P (and if not, just pretend!)

1.the first series I've watched:
gentle Ben & Little house on the prairy
2.the series from my childhood:
V, les brigades du tigre, the famous five, Zora la Rousse & Silas
3.the "cult" series:
Buffy, Dallas, Desperate Housewifes, X-files & Twilight Zone
4.the series for girls:
Smack the pony, Xena
5.the series that gets on your nerves:
Sex and the city, Friends, Poltergeist and all the CSI (les Experts trucmush)
6.Your most favourite one:
Blackadder, Buffy, Battlestar Galactica
7.the series during which nobody can talk to you, you're too concentrated:
Lost and Prison Break when Michael shows his tatoo
8.the series that make you really laugh:
Coupling, Father ted, the Office and Kaamelott
9.the most creative series:
Six feet under & Lexx
10.the most stressing series:
Lost & Battlestar Galactica
11.the series I haven't watched yet but would really love to:
Weeds, the French "Office"
12.the series you love(d) but do not tell anyone (except ewwws!):
Midsomer Murders (inspecteur barnaby)
13.Your favourite characters from series:
Michael Scott, Spike, G'Kar and Mollari, Cliff Barnes, Starbuck, Guenièvre and Perceval
14.Your most hated character from a series:
Kosh, Bobby Ewing, Mike Donovan

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