Sunday, August 19, 2007

Better than a diagnosis from the doctors

My grand-mama has been in hospital for 4 days now, but she'll be out in 2 days.
She had problems with blood pressure, but nothing alarming.

The problem is that we're in August, everybody's on vacation, so there were no relative around to take care of her. Only my sister and I. But it's complicate with our kids around. She's in an hospital in the middle of nowhere (near Paris), and children are not accepted where she is.

Sooo, we couldn't come and take care of her before yesterday.
Gweno (my sis) took care of the kids and Martin and I went to see her.

After 5 minutes, Martin was sleeping in front of my very-talkative grand-mother.
Literally sleeping!
My grand-mama asked me if he wanted to lie on the hospital bed to have a good nap.

so, I think THIS was the proof everything was ok, really... As usual my grand-mother's talks had broken Martin in a minimum of time!

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