Friday, October 05, 2007

Call me le Chef

You know why I don't enjoy cooking at all? Because I do it way too often, to feed my babes first. And whenever I try to be imaginative with ingredients, you can be sure they won't like it.

I think that partly explains why Martin is much better at it than I am. He does it once a month, for pleasure!
tssss, that's unfair!

But I always focus my efforts on one thingie ... presentation :P
(and don't laugh with the pic below, thank you!)

Whenever I can, I bring some poetry to whatever I cook, even smashed potatoes, carrots and sausages... and the kids loves it!
So ok, it's the most basic kind of food, but have you ever eaten a smashed-potatoes-carroted-and-sausaged-kitty ? No??? (told you!)

So you can call me le Chef, I deserve it! :P

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