Monday, October 22, 2007

SsssSSShpirit of Halloween

I know we have another week before the witches invite themselves at home, but we already enjoyed THE party of the year.
And I don't say that because my lil family won the costume contest!!! (hehe.. no, but it's true! we did!)
... it was just perfect, great atmosphere for lil ones and much older ones (try to make a party for lil kids and grown-ups at the same time, that's a REAL challenge me thinks!), great costumes (we were invited by a Elvis and a dark Fairy who should have won the contest -thank Gawd, they couldn't participate- :P)

So, as it's not obvious on the pic below, Eva (my niece), Lola and I came as spiders, Martin as a Pssshhhiiit against spiders! I loved the idea and concept! hehe
Now when we had to make the costumes, it was another story. We spent the last week making legs with stockings and cotton, and it was really difficult to make them hold and move too (I know you can't see much on the photo, but for real it was not much better! lol). Martin made his pshhhhit costume himself, and it was brilliant!

I think Martin's costume was absobloodilutely great, ours were more hmm, very home-made! lol ... But the girls looked fantastic, the most adorable spiders!
Well, I guess we won for the concept, which was fun, I reckon!

Thank you again Michelle and Frederic, we had a lot of fun (and we're still enjoying all your cakes! yummm!)

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