Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Falling in the stairs with a heavy Loup in the arms is not what I just needed.
I could not stop my fall till the next floor downstairs, can you imagine that?

It would be absobloodilutely hilarious if my bum did not feel like broken in a thousand pieces right now! Grmppph. Loup was a bit shocked but I managed to carry him safely during the fall.

Of course that had to happen just before Lola's dance lesson... grmppphhh

Now the pain is pretty intense, but I can't take care of it, I'm almost out again to take the devils to a birthday. Loving Wednesdays ;-)

On a happier note, Loup will officially attend school on next September. We met the headmistress, etc. We already know each other, since Lola's there. That's kewl.
I hope the beginning will be easier than how it happens at the kindergarten. Loup still cries and screams whenever we take him there. That breaks my heart. (sigh)

Tomorrow I have a rendez-vous with my publishing house. Time to present my work for them. And I worked a lot on the project! Even started to tame the graphic tablet (so so practical for the backgrounds for instance). I hope they will enjoy it as much as I do. Wish me luck!

(now back to another painting ->wooooosh>

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