Saturday, December 01, 2007

Girls just want to have fun ?

...and what about boys, do you think?

Let's see with Loup.
He loves trying everything, playing night and day, cooking, cleaning (I train him well you see!), building his own bed (with the help of his papa, huhu), dancing, playing with dolls, making necklaces (he is so good at it!), putting make-up and dressing like a princess.

Yup, Loup definitely just want to have fun!

And isn't it wunnerful to have an older sister when you're a boy?
So fantastic to experience the funniest giiirlz'games!!!

Loup loves it. He has the shape of a mini rugby player, but does not mind wearing his sis' tutu. And I love how serious and "involved" he is at these games too! hehe

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