Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I've just met the headmistress of the new school where Lola will go next year.

I wondered how I'll organized between Loup's school and Lola's (I'll have to run from one to the other and that's all)

I wondered about the quality of the school of course. And from what I can see, it should be great!
Lola will have a mistress + 3 different teachers who'll teach them sports, arts and computer stuff. She'll also learn the basics with music and how to swim.

They have much space in this "old school" and the lil ones seem to learn to read pretty quickly (like by the end of December, they usually all know how to read... in 4 months!)

Anyway, I'm relieved by all the good vibes I had when visiting the headmistress.
I'm so lucky for my babes! Some of my friends have real problems with schools' quality and that is so stressing!

But, as I'm not Alice in Wonderlands, the bitter side of the story is that our flat's rent should raise a lot before next summer.
I've no idea how much, but I'm not sure at all we can afford it then

Well, sure thing is that we'll try to stay around here for another year. It's not that I am so excited by our flat (small, old, not practical at all and yes expensive -yawn-), but the environment is so quiet for the kids, that's my main motivation.

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