Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The NeverEnding day

aka "Wednesday" ...

Been to take Loup to the kindergarten, Lola to the dancing lesson, went to buy something for lunch, came back to take Loup and Lola, played pirates with Loup, painted with Lola, enjoyed a *dancing queen* show, sang zillions of lullabies to help Loup to fall asleep, ran to take Lola to some devils'party, stopped to buy candies for the devils there...
..and now I'm waiting for Loup to wake up before taking him to the park, make and destroy hundreds of castles and mountains in the sandpit, runs after the toys' little thieves, and occasionally after Loup, and realize I'm late it's time to take Lola, running with the push-chair, asking Loup to stop screaming -Nope, you won't get any ice-cream, I can still resist your screams-

Once back at home, I will collapse on the sofa. Ooops, no, the "collapse thingie" was just a dream!

Don't you love dem Wednesdays!

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