Monday, June 09, 2008

lying down on the grass...

...can help you reach some intense kind of happiness. You agree, right, but when have you done it for the last time? Yeah, ages ago, so long ago actually that you do not really remember it.
It's time (summer time) to train at watching clouds!

That's what I've done during my weekend in Bretagne (not many clouds though!). The weather was gorgeous, sunny, just warm enough.
Bees, flowers, singing blackbirds, new fishes in my parents' pond (one named Crystal, the other named Fleur de vanille, thank you Lola ;-), stunning sunsets... When I win lottery, I'll enjoy that everyday!

click here

Charlie was supa cute, but he was full of surprises: he welcome us with excited fleafleas! Pfffff

Well, as my inner self is is way too reasonable... to deserve my "lying on the grass" sessions, I also worked a bit in the hobbit house. Painting doors and windows, to protect them from the weather, insects, etc. Painting is fine, but putting the fookin tape everywhere is a real pain in the bum!

So before the end of the week, our plumber will start new works, which sounds fantastic! :)

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