Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer break, Die Sonne is finally mine!


But I think I will miss a lil bit my blogsphere during the next three weeks.
("C'est grave Docteur?")
("Worse, it's hopeless!")

Will I remember how to blog after 3 computer-free weeks? (well actually there are 2 beauDiful computers where I go but I've learnt to resist temptation!)

I was actually to blog about many fookin exciting topics, but missed the time to do it.
So you won't hear about the most wunnerful new lipstick I bought(un truc de dingue, tu le mets le matin, le soir, tu l'as toujours! Non mais les filles, it's a revolution! la meilleure invention après, heu, facebook),
you won't hear about the male-ish baby-sitter I have found (huhu),
you won't get any detail about how I fell in love with some (most expensive) tea,
you won't know how much I start to shape some body bits thanks to my Pilates coach (proud smile),
and you won't see how beautiful is the (photo)book I've made about my paintings.

I know, I nooooe, hard to handle, huh!

But I'll be back with beDer stories (if possible) about planteurs, crabs, beach, boat, cats, sheep, music, fest-noz, works, hobbit house and maybe a few drama -Dynasty style- because the whole family will gather over there (pointing towards the west)

While I'm away, don't really behave, but take care of your bits!

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