Saturday, January 03, 2009

Les petits chefs

Besides going to Spielplatz and Spielstadt, there was one other activity the devils LOVED doing during the holidays.

They could cook all day!

In the morning already they spent 15 minutes pressing oranges, then they wanted to cook their meal, then biscuits, etc etc.
Loup, specially, LOVES cooking. He suddenly turns patient, careful, interested, he really wants to "work" properly!

Even if I just broke a tooth (oh nooooo! fook!) while biting one of their (delicious) German Xmas biscuits, I must say they're very good at it! (proudish mama smile)

(what a Pirate look from Loup just above! lol! love it!)

Oh and to finish with the cooking topic, here's a shot (thank Gawd Martin's camera was safe in the car) of one of our dinners, chinese fondue here... so good that you could easily sell your body and soul for it!

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