Monday, February 23, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, attention please

'cause ol' Candy's blogging and that doesn't happen twice a week, huh!

So here's the first post of a series of bloggies about Bretonie, just because I feel like it.
We did not have much time to work on the hobbit house (Martin was not there except on weekends), but we had good days! Even sunny ones!

So, some heard (the Facebook addicts!) that a few days ago I made a promise I instantly regretted!
And, tadddddda, this promise was to cook (fainting already) a rum baba. Me cooking a rum baba (I hate cooking). Cooking that takes half a day, unbelievable!

I could not fail, it was to celebrate Martin's 40th birthday!
I was under pressure.

But I reckon rum and I make a good team... and the result was absolutely perfect!
If any of you wanna try my baba some day, you beg me for a week and I'll do it :P hehe

I naturally added 10 times more rum than recommended and it was great!

I also cooked a cheese cake (great too but too many speculoos :P), 100 crepes (I am not kidding!)and a creole chicken.

I still hate cooking, but kinda enjoy bringing this pleasure to those I love.

click here

Martin looks 10 years younger than I, that's unfair! He will get in 2 days his special present, a big tattoo on the chest (ouch!), an old boat that will be made by a famous tattooist named Sunny :)

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