Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Farewell, la Comtesse

She was the oldest of my girlfriends at sport. 83 years old.

She was an actress when younger, played in lots of theatres in Paris.
She was fond of her daughter and grand-daughter who both worked for TV (they're *voices* for cartoons).

She was so active, so talkative, very feminist. She followed some training courses with the softest Terminators, she followed as she could. That was really cute. She was teasing the trainers all the time, and they played her game, they loved her.

Each time she saw me, she always had these same words: "B., do you ever get tired? Always see you running, lifting weights and sweating! Keep the rythm, girl!"

La Comtesse (as we all called her) feared one day she wouldn't be able to train anymore, and said this would kill her.
She died before it happened.

And the memory remains :)

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