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Mel', here's THE quizz of the week!
The rule of the game: you get questions and you answer with random songs titles.
(using your MP3, puter or stereo -lol the last one sounds a bit like stone age)
You do NOT chose the songs, you just use the random function and write down for each question the title of the next song that comes. And then you can comment it.
I'll just turn my dusty yahoo radio and click on next song.
It should be funny or lead to some nonsense; let's goooooo:
1.How do you feel today?Metamorphosis One (from Battlestar Gallactica series)
into metamorphosis could be the way I feel just everyday when I think of it!
2.Will your life be successful ?I can't hardly wait (Juliette Lewis & the Licks)
Well, I'm married to the man of my dreams and we get 2 adorable devils, it is already sucessful to me! But I "can hardly wait" to be a famous painter :P
3.How do your friends see you?Hotel California (Eagles)
The song was about drug and addiction, no? I doubt any of my friend is that addicted! lol
4.What's the favorite song of your best friend?Highschool Lover (Air)
5.What's the story of your life?Love her madly (the Doors)
let's make it "Love them madly" ;-)
6.How was it back at school?Surfin' on a Rocket (Air)
erm, it was kewl, but not THAT kewl
7.What's the best thing about your friends?Mr Moon (Jamiroquai)
The best thing is they're all very different and all bring their precious differences in my life
8.What's your plan next weekend?No excuses (Alice in Chains)
no, no excuses. My grand-ma is in hospital since last night (she was not feeling ok), so we'll take care of her next weekend.
9.How would you describe your grand-parents?Light my way (Audioslave)
Hmm, not sure it still work this way ;-)
10. How's your life?Dirty Hary (Gorrillaz)
Hm, no, not a song for my life, I'd rather chose hmmm this one 11.What song for your funerals?I cannot believe it's true (Phil Collins)
lol! And I can't believe I've phil collins in my radio, but why not after all
12.How do people see you?River runs red (Midnight Oil)
hm, a song about pollution and the way we're killing earth if I remember. Well, I hope I don't get such negative vibes
13.Will your life be happy?Heart of Glass (Blondie)
huuuuu, no this title does not fit here14.What do your friends think about you?Je suis un homme (Zazie)
lol, who knows who's hiding behind Candy! :P
15.How can I make myself happy?Tango to Evora (Laureena McKennitt)
no tango can make me happy! And I'm not fond of this song really. Making myself happy is simple: sleeping 8 hours without interruption would make it.
16.Will you get more kids?Trouble (Coldplay)
lol! Just a perfect title for the way I see other kids in my life ;-)
17.What song for a strip-tease?Knockin' on Heaven's door (the Guns')
the song isn't that bad, but it wouldn't have been my choice! With that song, I'd rather sing on/under the table while enjoying some good beer
18.If a truckdriver offers you candies, what do you do?Who tends the fire (Overkill)
who tends the fire? Not this truckdriver, huh! hehe ... But I keep the candies
19.What does your mother think about you?Obscured by clouds (Pink Floyd)
I think my mama knows me rather well, but there are still obscured fields I guess.20.What's your darkest secret?Revolution 909 (Daft Punk)
hmm, no. It's much much worse :P ... 
21.A song that stick to your personnality? Bathroom girl (Air)
I'm more a bathroom girl than a kitchen one anyway :P
hehe, that was fun!
The random thingie is the funniest here, it leads you to answer/comment in a way or the other.
You should try the quizz!