Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Ohhh but I've not said in here that the babe I expect is a mademoiselle!!!


Everybody (except Gwénola) expected that the babe would be a boy. They (friends included) really thought it would be a boy!
Actually, we had started to believe it too because on the day before the scan we had repeated aloud a series of names for boys and girls... and each time we said a specific name (of a boy), the babe kicked in the belly!!!!
That happened successively 2 times and I called Martin on the third time for him to check, and that happened again!!!

Sooooo, we thought it would have been really a "sign" if confirmed by the scan (s)

But nenene, as soon as the babe appeared on the screen the doc said *it* was a SHE :-)))))**~~* *^^* * *^^* * *

We're both extremly happy (as we'd have been with a boy) and we've started to talk a looooooooooot to her!
(-laughing- as she is moving right now as I'm typing!)

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