Sunday, August 29, 2004

Material Girl, chapter 258 bis

It is RILLY not the best time of the year for my lil purse! I don't have the money but somehow ... I do spend it!

Well, ewwws goils will agree what I've bought was absobloodilutely necessary (thank ewws for your support here ;-).

Today I've finally received my summer's Birkenstock! ... the first shoes I've ordered online. I had to wait 15 weeks to get them! No kidding!
They said 5 weeks in average (which was already very long). I've ordered them back in May!

And at the time, I was longing for comfortable summer's Birk'... but now... summer is over and I don't wanna wear anything *that* comfortable at the moment!
Ha well, I'll use dem a few days (before next summer at least)... to not feel I've wasted money!

And my second deliciously decadent touch of the day was this:

Well, no, these are NOT sex toys! lol!
*Just* a massage kit to relax after a long hot bath. I've already tried it. It's troooooly trooooly wonderful.

(just talking of it makes me wanna jump into the world of laziness)**~~*^* *

So I'm poor but kinda happy... I guess?
I guess.

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