Wednesday, September 08, 2004

(in)Dependence -chapter 2-

Yesterday, Lola's been alone at the crèche for one hour.
I left, thinking she'd be fine, and knowing that I'll have to survive (rolling eyes to meself)

I survived very well... on the sunny terrasse of a café near! lol
I had taken some work to do with me, and inspiration was there too..

...When I came back to take Lola, she was crying like I had never seen (nor heard)... and this had started 50 minutes before!

The girls there told me Lola would require more time to be ready. So we start again the training this morning.
I've to bring a photo album for Lola... to help the girls there when nothing can stop Lola's tears.

I hope she'll get used to all that quickly, that breaks my lil heart already!

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