Wednesday, September 15, 2004

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

After a 3 days break, I thought Lola would have forgotten the crèche -and the cries-.

Yeah I know, the crèche again. If only I did not *need* to talk about it here...

When I told her where we were going yesterday morning: She ran away to hide, crying.
When we arrived there, shes started screaming and cried harder, calling me at the door to leave with me.

I came back a short hour later, her t-shirt was completly wet, from tears.


And in the night, she wakes up all the time with nightmares.
I feel responsible, I should have put her in a creche earlier, teach her to be without her mama earlier.

We start again today.
That stresses me, and it's the last thing I want Lola to feel, my stress...!

(memo to self for the next baby... the "school's adaptation" will be Martin's job ;-)

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