Monday, November 22, 2004

Cause nothin' lasts forever...Even cold November rain

The Guns'lyrics really suited our weekend in Bretagne!

Just the three of us there was fantastic. When we arrived on the first evening, at about midnight, we started a warm fire, had warmer drinks and definatly hot music.

click here

We finally jumped into bed early in the morning!... a few hours later we were about to turn into Hercules in rubber boots :P

(memo to self: green rubber boots should be an old story nowadays)

We spent 3 days getting rid of the cob on the walls of another room... so that we can make the old stones visible again.
You have to be so organized when you restore such a old just can't imagine... To make the floors, you have to make the walls first, and when you want to make the floor, you must *KNOW* what kind of heating system you will use.

House Elf, I *neeeeeeeed* you

Anyway, the country side was in some particular november mood. All looked grey.. the yellows, the greens, the reds... they all looked grey.

But it was fine, with the work on the hobbit house, then the warm times around the fireplace of the family house... it was purrrfect!

I could not help though projecting myself in the future, living there at this time of the year...

Living in a hamlet will be something for the city goil I am! Sometimes I feel like I'm going to turn into a fat farmer having some heavy peas'soup at 7.00, jumping to bed at 8.00, etc etc...

hehe... I will need my comfort there, I tell you! (Do I sound posh??)
I will definatly need to be connected to the world with a (slow) internet connection.
That might sound stupid to think about the internet when you start a new life, running -almost- neekid, happy in the country side. But that will means a lot to me. I will *neeeeeed* to keep links with what I've used to enjoy in Paris since 30 years. And the internet will definatly help me.


I feel better now!

Not so easy to change of life... and never easy to get overpositive when November rain is around :-)

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