Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Je t'aime, moi non-plus

What are your habits with blogs?
What kind of blog keep your attention?

I do not like to categorize, but I'm sure we all get different tastes regarding the blogging field.

For my part, I know what I do not enjoy at all in blogs:
1.agressivity (which has nothing to do with simple fits of anger)
2.lack of involvement (when there's no personal point of view)
3.playing the *yahoo news* blog (you just can't beat news sites with a blog)
4.lack of interactivity or interest (no comments field or no repply to comments)
5.text only or images only... I enjoy both together

These 5 points are natural criteria that will make me read a blog regularly or not.

So naturally all this means, that I absobloodilutely enjoy:
1.personnal blogs (I do read blogs first to get news about the writers, *touching* bits of their universe)
2.interactivity (provocative blogs, blogs that ask questions, blogs which provokes reactions)
3.creativity (which does not mean you've to be the philippe starck of the blogworld, being on top of creativity... nenene... just trying to avoid telling everyday how your coffee tastes:P)
4. being more honest with yourself than desperatly creative

Damn! I've just been blogging about blogs! (and I always criticize that!)

I tell you, it's way too hard to be a good blogwriter!

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