Friday, May 20, 2005

A jump at the white place

Ma grand ma' was sent to the hospital yesterday (thank gawd, Gweno called the doc just in time!). Pain starting to grow in her right arm, difficulties to talk, that was serious enough to make us stress for a day. But a day only :)) She is still in hospital, and maybe till next week. They want to make sure she gonna be fine.
She will! **~~*^* *

And I spent two hour in *my* hospital this morning. I got the results for the trisomy 21 test, I got something like 1 risk / 1500 which is really fine (you have to make further tests when it's 1/50).
Then I had my 4th month's visit. All is fineroo.
I was extreeeeeemly surprised to see I haven't put on weight in 4 months...! Not a gramme, nothing in 4 months. A real mystery to me who feels I'm getting larger-thicker-fatter-horreur-bigger-hamburger-...ermm...-heavier ;-)

The *mini-one* should be now almost 20cm long from head to toe. 20cm!!! Can you guys imagine yourself with a 20 cm human being in your belly?!!! I can't! lol :-)))

The gyno tried to make me hear the *mini-one*'s heart, but the lil devil was kicking so hard that we only heard these kicks (which sounded as if you gave a kick in a pan you know? lol! That was fun!).
With such an activity, the gyno said she bets I'll feel the baby moving before the end of the week!!!!
(falling from chair)
I can't wait!!!!
I already feel lil, tiny vibes since a couple of days, but I can't say I really feel the baby moving yet.

a unique scan of my belly sensations at the moment :P

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