Saturday, September 24, 2005

Two pints and a Tahiti (yummmm!)

Finally the whale that I am can sit down and relax a bit to share with you the very *special* evening we've had yesterday :))

Lola spent the night at her grand-parents', which was very welcome!
I knew this evening would be about the last really *free* one we'd have before the birth (Gawd, I'm having HUGE contractions while typing right now! ...painful!).

So my plan was to make of that evening a special one.
We would have a delicious dinner that would satisfy as much my mood as my appetite (small but poshly selective ;-). But that was not enough to make thay evening purrfect... And there comes THE idea of an aperitive.

Yeah, but not like any kind of aperitive ya know.
I thought why not meeting our new neighbour (well, Nim' lives at 10 minutes from here now!)?
This new neighbour being Nimwendil, a blogwriter that I've known now since a few months.
I just *knew* it would be really kewl because I came to know bits of his personnality throughout his writings on his blog.

So we met in a bar, just near our respective flats.
And that was truly a PURFECT aperitive!
Nim' was as I felt he would be: very open, definatly friendly, with a sense of humour and a visible pleasure (of being *there*, of sharing bits of our respective lives, of sharing our tastes with music or books, etc) that made the atmosphere almost instantly relaxing.

I must say that there have been 2 first minutes specially unexpected: when Nim' and Martin saw each other, they looked very astonished, saying they had met somewhere.
Yes, but where?!!
They thought about it 20 seconds and... there you go: Nim' had met Martin for a job interview in Martin's company 2 months ago!!!!
Can you believe it?!!!
I just could not! The world's so small!

That was pretty funny.
And then, while Martin and Nim' were having their pints (grrmpphh, them lucky!) and I my Tahitis (cocktail ananas+strawberry+banana), we started an endless conversation about Fantasy, metal, Tolkien, etc... many topics that were inspiring!

Finally our aperitive lasted more than expected and we had our dinner later, but with not a single regret. Just the opposite!

Welcome to our new *neighbour* and hopefully *blogfriend*! :-)

(to be continued :P)

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