Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Holy Nowhere Man

I enjoy a lot of different kind of music (as long as it's not reggae, most of French stuff, rap or death metal), and when I'm in the mood, I can listen to an album about 50 times without getting bored.
At the moment I'm discovering Alice in Chains, which pretty good. And since a couple of weeks, I've kept listening to Pink Floyd's albums (I luve them all) 'cause I'm in a Floyd's mood :P

I also LOVE discovering funny stuff, like Beatallica (I wrote a bloggie on them one or 2 years ago, this funny band playing Beatles songs in a Metallica's way! lol)

And while I was at my mama's, I've discovered another funny stuff (my mama's hubby has zillions of qualities, including being a music lover, he spends hours looking for an album. You wanna discover Japanese music? He'll pick up 15 albums from his collection and will comment them passionately. He is like that. A music lover).
Anyway, to get a zen atmosphere, he put a gregorian song book... but not a traditionnal one... Beatles' songs played in a gregorian way. Pretty good and definatly funny!

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