Thursday, February 16, 2006

Gals Talk

Sowwy guys, this is a goily bloggie, soooo... why not having a Bud and watch tv, hm?
(hehe, tsss, you know me, I'd happily share the Bud)

Ok, let's make it simple:

2 friends of mine, ol' and new friends, have just made one of their dreams come true: they've created a very schpeshul website dedicated to women. A place of freedom where we girls can share everything we've in mind.

I'm talking about Miz Penny and Mean Maude; and their baby is Gals Talk!

Hiro, Michelle (yes you, David's mama! hehe), Ariel, Jenny and all of ewwws French speaking gal friends,I'm sure you'll luve it!

..Because you get so easily addicted
Because we're 13 members so far, and we've to make it 14! (and I don't walk under ladders either)
Because with 13 members so far, there is some real intimacy there
Because we know the creators of the site, and dat's kewl
Because it's very easy to use
Because beyond sharing ideas, questions, advice with other women... it would not be that bad if women from different countries would join the Aussie gang. We can all bring to each other a lot!

And, no, I don't get paid for free advertisement :P

Waiting to see you there ... with a Bud or two ;-)

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